When a credit card has a fee, most people steer clear. However, if you’re utilizing the benefits enough to make that fee something to not even bat a lash at, then you’re doing it right. Here are a few cards where the fee is well worth it.
- Citi Hilton HHonors Reserve with a $95 fee. If you’re planning to put a lot of money on this card, then it becomes very worthwhile. With this card, you automatically get Hilton gold status and free internet access, late checkout privileges, and 10 HHonors points per dollar spent. If you put $10,000 on the card, you get a free weekend night each year. And if you spend $40,000 on the card, you’ll become a Hilton diamond status member.
- American Express Platinum Delta SkyMiles with a $195 fee. This card allows for free checked bags for you and everyone else on your reservation as well as the chance to earn Medallion Qualification Miles that can lead you elite status. The best benefit, though, is the annual companion certificate, which basically amounts to a buy-one-get-one-free roundtrip domestic coach flight.
- Capital One Venture Rewards Card with a $59 fee. Capital One’s travel process is notoriously easy, and with this card you get two miles per dollar spent.
Image via Paisabazaar.com.